Saturday, September 19, 2009

Brain Implants to Ease Serious Neurological Conditions

Recently a team of researchers from Medtronic of Minneapolis, Minnesota, announced about the development of a neurostimulator. Their latest invention represents a device that is implanted in the brain to help people, who suffer from Parkinson's disease, depression and obsessive compulsive disorder
Researchers reported about their latest invention at the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society meeting that took place in Minneapolis. Their device takes advantage of electrodes to bring deep stimulation to certain brain areas.
It is worth mentioning that neurostimulators are already used to help people suffering to earlier mentioned conditions, but in contrast to the latest invention these devices bring stimulation on a set schedule. According to researchers, their neurostimulator is much more effective because it is able to respond to brain signals. In addition, the battery in the device last longer, which is important for implantable gadgets.
Although researchers from Medtronic are far from testing their latest invention on humans, in NeuroPace, a new firm based in Mountain View, California, scientists are finishing clinical tests of their RNS smart implant device, which was used by 240 people who suffer from epilepsy, reports New Scientist. According to Martha Morrell, chief medical officer at NeuroPace, the results of the trials will be announced in December.
The devices developed by NeuroPace are implanted in the human skull where they track electrical activity using electrodes implanted deep in the brain. In case they identify the sign of a seizure, they will bring short and mild electrical stimulation in order to restrain it. link....

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